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Page 4

  “I’ll only share them with you.”

  Mackenzie grinned. Her friend was always so bubbly, thoughtful, self-assured. She was reminded of the time they’d all gone to a carnival. Bella had encouraged all of them to enter the ride where caged-in seats tipped upside down at the top. When the ride operator had held them suspended, looking at the ground, three of them had screamed. Bella had laughed. Payback, my friend.

  “I think you’ll like my work,” Kanisha said.

  “Okay.” Bella exhaled.

  “Place your back against that pole.” Kanisha pointed. “Extend your arms and legs. Spread-eagle.”

  Bella glanced at Mackenzie. Mackenzie remembered the way the ride operator had slammed the door to lock them in the cage. No doubt her expression had been as terrified as Bella’s was right now.

  “Look at me.”

  Bella did.

  Mackenzie liked Kanisha’s style. No-nonsense, easy, but firm. Exactly the right combination for someone who was willing but needed the slightest encouragement to do what she really wanted to.

  She recalled the way Kennedy had spoken to her at the fundraiser two years ago. Looking back, maybe she should have realized he was a Dom. He’d behaved in much the same way as Kanisha, expectant of her compliance, but willing to listen if she hadn’t really wanted to be with him.

  “We’ll use yellow and red as code words,” Kanisha told Bella. “If you’re freaking out, tell me yellow so that we can talk it out.”

  Bella nodded.

  Kanisha crouched. “Say red if you’re so overwhelmed that you start to panic. But I’ll talk to you the whole time. I think you’re going to be fine.” She stroked Bella’s leg, in a reassuring, non-sexual way.

  “I’m good,” Bella said.

  Kanisha patted Bella’s ankle then got to work.

  After that, Kanisha spoke more quietly to Bella, wrapping her sub in an air of intimacy. Mackenzie noticed that Bella stopped making eye contact with her, then she stopped looking around entirely. The two of them had created a bond that excluded others.

  Again, Mackenzie looked up at the balcony, seeking a connection with Kennedy. He wasn’t there.

  Her heart skipped a disappointed beat, and she focused again on Bella. Though she couldn’t hear the words, she saw Bella talking to Kanisha.

  A couple of times, Kanisha stepped back and took pictures. She showed them to Bella before continuing.

  A few minutes later, Kanisha moved away and Bella began to wiggle her arms to loosen the ropes.

  The Knotingham really was diabolical and sexy.

  Kanisha snapped more pictures, capturing each of Bella’s small smiles of triumph. No one cheered louder when Bella figured out how to hold onto the nets to keep her balance while throwing off the remaining hemp.

  “Go, Bella!”

  Mackenzie turned to Lulu, who’d come up beside her.

  “Cathy finished up with B. She’s snuggling him on the couch.”

  Mackenzie nodded. She rarely wanted aftercare from a Dom, preferring to soothe herself and, if she were honest, telling herself she didn’t need it. Even if the Dom wanted it, she often gave him an excuse then caught a cab home.

  “She’s doing great,” Lulu said.

  “She had all the angles worked out before agreeing to it.”

  “Of course she’d approach it like a puzzle. Just hope she enjoys it. She freaking looks hot, doesn’t she?”

  “Not as hot as you’re going to look when you’re attached to the square,” Kennedy said into Mackenzie’s ear.

  She jumped, in surprise, in anticipation. His words sizzled with intent.

  He placed his hands on her shoulders. “I assume you want to finish watching your friend?”

  That he was so perceptive and understanding shouldn’t have surprised her, but it did. This was a man confident in his power, and he was comfortable waiting. “Yes,” she said.

  Bella continued on determinedly, looking at the flag, then at the ropes in front of her, as well as the ones around her, apparently always checking that she was doing the next logical thing.

  It took some doing, but she did manage to make it to the top then, when she was there, began to crawl along the beam.

  She stopped.

  “You afraid of heights?” Kanisha called out. “You can come back down a bit and work your way across if you need to.”

  Bella looked over, gave a wan smile. Her body shook as she changed her position so that she ended up straddling the beam. Keeping her hands curled around the wood, she scooted across.

  “Clever girl!” Kanisha shouted.

  Lulu and Mackenzie cheered.

  When Bella grabbed the flag and screamed with triumph, Kennedy released Mackenzie’s shoulders and joined the applause.

  Kanisha went to help Bella down.

  The three friends hugged, and Mackenzie congratulated her. “You look radiant.”

  “That was awesome.” She pumped her fist. “Okay, what’s next?”

  Mackenzie shook her head.

  Kanisha suggested moving on to an actual rigging station.

  “If you don’t mind, I’d like to steal your friend.” Kennedy’s words were friendly, but his tone made it clear that it wasn’t a request.

  Kanisha and Bella moved off.

  “Don’t feel you need to wait for me,” Mackenzie said.

  Lulu frowned.

  “I promise I’ll make sure your friend makes it home safely.”

  From across the room, Cathy signaled that she was heading toward the kitchen. After another moment’s hesitation, Lulu nodded and followed Cathy.

  “Shall we?” Kennedy invited.

  Her mouth dried, and she turned her tongue under to create some moisture. After swallowing, she said, “You mentioned the square.”

  “Is that a problem?” Kennedy turned her to face him.

  “I’ve never tried it. I generally like the St. Andrew’s cross.”

  Even though they were in the way, others walked around them without interrupting. Kennedy had managed to create a cocoon around them.

  “I’d prefer to use the square. It leaves you more exposed and offers me more choices on where to stand and angles to use.” He thumbed a lock of hair back from her cheekbone. “I want every part of your body to be available to me, Mackenzie.”

  Anticipation warred with fear. “I was afraid of that.” She gave him a wry smile, but that didn’t seem to sway him. Master Aldrich was not a man who would be manipulated, she was learning.

  “What’s your safe word?”


  He raised his brows. “You actually remember that when you’re in a scene?”

  “I’ve never had to use it,” she confessed. “I negotiate well, and I do it ahead of time.” Or she had, until now. She told her partner what she wanted, how she wanted it, and they agreed. She considered that part of the negotiation.

  “Do you hand these hapless men a script?”

  There was a slight note of humor in his voice, but beneath that lay a serious question. She was reminded that he was a Dom, not just a perceptive man who’d given her a confidence bolster at one time. “That’s not entirely fair,” she protested.

  “Isn’t it?” he asked quietly.

  She had to lean in to hear him, and she knew right away that he had done that on purpose.

  “If this goes entirely the way you want it, Mackenzie, you’ll be on the cross. You’ll tell me how many hits you want and, I’m guessing, where you want them placed. You’ve already told me what implement to use.”

  She felt momentarily lightheaded. Did he really see that in her?

  “It’s up to you,” he said while holding her gaze captive. “I’ll enjoy our time together, no matter what. Remember that your friend went beyond her comfort zone in entering the Knotingham, and you saw what the results were. Something powerful happens when you push past your fears.”

  “I…” She sought for words. He was offering her something she’d never had be
fore, but at what cost? Control?

  He stroked her shoulders. “I want you in the square, but if you say otherwise, we’ll wait for a cross to become available.”

  If he’d demanded her obedience, she would have been stubborn. Instead, she wanted to please him. “Okay.”


  “Yes, Sir.”

  He smiled. And it wasn’t with triumph, but with pleasure.

  “It’s in that corner.” He pointed. “Walk in front of me.”

  Ever since college, she’d had BDSM experiences. When she and Brian had become serious, she’d stopped attending clubs. She’d stayed away from The Hub until after her friends had staged their intervention.

  When she’d returned to BDSM, she was a different person. Her decision never to have a serious relationship again made it easy to come to terms with a Dom about a scene. If he didn’t want what she did, she wished him a good evening and sought out someone else. Until now, she’d never had anything at risk emotionally.

  This, though, felt different. Kennedy’s approach was very personal. He seemed intent on giving her a new experience while still making her feel safe.

  Without a word, he waited for her compliance. Mackenzie wondered if he had infinite patience or whether he’d decide she wasn’t worth the effort and walk away.

  She had come here tonight hoping to scene, and he excited her in a way that she hadn’t experienced in a long time. She just hoped he didn’t demand more than she had to offer.

  Finally, she sighed and turned. It took a little while to wind her way through the crowds toward the secluded corner of the room.

  The square seemed to get larger, its welded steel beams becoming more imposing the closer she got.

  Some Doms preferred that their subs walk behind them but, to Mackenzie, being in front made her more aware of the upcoming scene. She knew he had his eye on her, watching every movement.

  She stopped in front of the square and noticed that a nearby two-tier stand had already been stocked with implements. “You had no doubt I’d agree with you,” she said, turning back to face him.

  “Not true. I’d hoped,” he corrected. “I would have moved them to another station if you’d said porcupine. The offer still stands.”

  His words were emotionless, and she heard truth in them.

  “Porcupine?” he asked.

  She chose bravery. “Green.”

  “Good.” He smiled. “Since I didn’t bring my bag, I picked up a few things. Alma offered use of some club toys, but I wanted to get ones that were only for you.”

  “A few things?”

  “It’s my intention to please you.”

  “Thank you.” He’d spent hundreds of dollars, she knew. Surprising her, he’d even selected a leather paddle. She would have bet he’d have bought anything but that.

  “Is there anything I need to know about you?”

  This part felt familiar—discussion, getting to know each other, set expectations. She relaxed a little. “No physical impairments.”

  He nodded. “Neck or back issues?”


  “Overly sensitive spots?”


  “Nipple play?”

  Which would mean she’d have to remove her top, or at least unzip it, if she agreed. She thought about refusing, but the idea of him handling her breasts turned her on. “If you wish,” she said.

  “This time I want an answer.”

  Had he heard the prevarication in her tone? “Nipple play is fine, Sir.” She paused then added, “But I prefer to keep my panties on.”

  “Are you negotiable?”

  “Ah…” She’d never had a Dom press her on that before.

  “Then I’ll ask permission again later,” he said. “Any objection to me getting you off?”

  “You shouldn’t spend a lot of time trying. For me, this is way more a mental escape.”

  “I respect that, but part of the joy for me will be in making you come.”

  She met his gaze. “Don’t be disappointed if it doesn’t happen. It won’t be personal.”

  He nodded, but his eyes darkened in color.

  “That wasn’t meant as a challenge,” she assured him. All she wanted was a good scene. Memories that would fuel her fantasies for weeks.

  He drew a curtain, isolating them. Since no one challenged him, and she knew he’d spoken to Alma, Mackenzie supposed he’d gotten permission for them to have some privacy.

  The music no longer seemed as loud, or maybe the roaring sound in her ears was drowning it out. “I prefer a slow, steady pace,” she said. “I don’t require a lot of pain. In fact, I don’t particularly like it.”


  He picked up a broad leather strap that she suspected was for her wrist.

  “I’ll be securing your hands above your head.”

  The square had numerous hooks screwed into it. A Dom could attach a sub in a dozen different places. She’d seen some interesting positions over the years.

  Without being told, she held out her hands. He wrapped the cuff around her left wrist, adjusted it one notch tighter, then laced a carabiner through it. He picked up a second strap and repeated the process with her right wrist.

  The speed of her pulse increased with each of his deliberate motions. Playing with a new Dom added an unknown dimension. Each person brought something unique to the partnership, and the thrill was more than a little addictive. She sometimes scened with a person more than once, but the ability to have multiple Doms was another reason she remained single.

  He checked that each cuff was secure, then he linked them together. “How are you doing?”

  “Fine. Nervous.”



  “I’d prefer terrified, but I’ll settle for nervous.”

  Since he was looking at the top of the structure as he spoke, she couldn’t gauge whether or not he was joking.

  “Hands over your head and turn so you’re facing that wall.”

  When she complied, he moved past her so that they were still face to face. He pulled her up onto her tiptoes and fastened her to the center hook.

  He captured her gaze. “You’re sensational, Mackenzie.”

  Instinct told her to protest, but she knew he was serious, rather than simply saying something to relax her. “Thank you, Sir.”

  He skimmed his fingers across the bare skin above her skirt. She sucked in a breath and held it. His touch was firm, and she felt the hint of a callus.

  “Are your panties already damp?”

  “No, Sir.” She wondered if he’d check for himself.

  “Are you lying to yourself or to me?”

  The chill that ran through her was from nerves.

  “You can’t hide from me, Mackenzie.”

  Some men, she knew, practiced BDSM only when they were at The Hub or a private party. Like her, they slipped into a different persona when they donned club attire. She was realizing that dominance wasn’t something Kennedy practiced. It was part of his personality.

  “For the next hour, let yourself go,” he encouraged. “Be honest with me. With yourself. Or I’ll say porcupine on your behalf.”

  Now that she was here, secured in his leather bonds, the focus of his complete attention, she wanted what he was offering. As he had said, it was only for an hour.

  She nodded, surrendering.

  “I’ll ask again. Are your panties damp?”


  He raised his eyebrows.

  “Yes, Master Aldrich. They are.” How could they not be? She was at the mercy of one of the world’s most powerful men. His fingers had been on her bare skin, he’d locked her into his cuffs and now he stood only inches away. He filled her vision, overwhelmed her senses.

  He rolled back the sleeve that was still down, exposing his strong forearm.

  In a crisp, white shirt, tailored black pants, black boots, with his legs spread, he simultaneously intimidated and intrigued her. S
he’d known he was tall, but he towered over her by a full six inches. Up close, she realized his black hair was a bit longer than fashionable, and it nearly brushed his collar. He had a hint of stubble on his squared jaw, adding to his cultivated, rakish air.

  He drew a fingertip down the center of her chest and outlined the shape of her leather top. He took hold of the zipper pull then met her gaze. His eyes were stunning. Dark, rich green that seemed to see her deepest secrets.

  Since she’d already agreed to nipple play, she didn’t object. Instead, she waited.

  But after a moment, he released it. The disappointment jolted her.

  “Earlier you mentioned a paddle was your preferred toy.”

  From here, she couldn’t see his implement stand. “I want whatever you prefer, Sir.”

  He grinned. “You’re a quick study.”

  Then, in a single move, startling her, he undid the zipper, baring her breasts.

  “As I said, I won’t let you hide anything from me.”

  Because of the air, because of his scrutiny, her nipples beaded. He used his thumbs to abrade them, bringing them to sensitized awareness.

  “Do you like that?”

  “Yes,” she whispered.

  He squeezed her breasts together while pinching her nipples. She allowed her head to tip back as she closed her eyes.


  “Mmm,” she echoed. He gripped tighter.

  She lifted her heels from the floor, leaning forward, offering, demanding…

  “Patience, sub.”

  “It’s not your body that feels like it’s on fire, Sir.”

  “No? Think again.”

  Thank God he hadn’t let her go. In fact, he rolled her nipples, increasing the intensity. Her knees weakened. When she wasn’t sure she could take much more, he loosened his grip with measured deliberation.

  “I’m going to enjoy playing with you, Mackenzie.”

  She brought her head forward and opened her eyes. Her breasts rested in his open palms, and his gaze was on her face. No Dom had ever looked at her so intently before, as if studying her every reaction.

  He tweaked her nipples, making her cry out before he took a step back.

  Alternately nervous and fascinated, she waited until he returned with a pair of clamps. Alligator clips. With serrated metal teeth. She considered objecting. Since he’d already tormented her, this might be too much.