Her Two Doms Read online

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  She told herself she’d wanted nothing serious with a man, but now she wasn’t so sure. Going from her lonely life to having this made her breathless.

  “I’m glad you’re here,” Master Gabriel continued. “I am going to put a plug in our lovely sub’s ass, and I could use an extra set of hands.”

  She involuntarily clenched her buttocks.

  “You’re going to put a plug in her butt?”

  Heat seared her face. They were talking as if she weren’t there, as if she were just a sub for their pleasure…

  “I had two fingers up there last night.”

  “Hmm. How many more things can we knock off her limits list during this cruise?”

  Master Gabriel walked in front of her and showed her a slim, egg-shaped plug with a large, curved base.

  She tugged against her wrist bonds. Having him work his finger inside her while she was trying to grind out an orgasm was different than him holding up a bronze-coloured piece of silicone.

  “It’s not a lot thicker than one of my fingers, and it’s shorter. And since it narrows at the end it will be more comfortable.”

  “I can see that. But still…”

  He waited.

  “I’m intimidated.”

  “Safe word at any point.”

  She licked her lip. “Yes, Sir.”

  “Brave girl.”

  His smile made her suffering worthwhile.

  He moved out of her line of sight.

  She felt her butt cheeks being separated by two, big, strong hands. Master Devon’s?

  Unconsciously, she locked her knees.

  “Relax,” Master Gabriel said.

  Master Devon spread her ass cheeks even farther apart. This was impossible. She’d never felt so exposed, so vulnerable, so helpless…

  “I’ve lubed the plug,” Master Gabriel commented. “And I’ll give you my finger first. No struggling, no fussing.”

  He held on to one of her shoulders and inserted his finger with no difficulty.

  “Good,” he said.

  Seconds later, she felt the cold, unyielding plug probing at her.

  “I’m not going to fuck you with it,” Master Gabriel told her quietly. “You don’t need me to. I’m going straight in with a single push.”

  She remained silent, which he evidently took as assent.

  “That’s my girl.”

  His girl?

  Oh, God, she wanted to be his, perfect in every way, pleasing him.

  He slid his fingers across her suddenly damp pussy, putting her on the knife-edge of arousal.

  “Bear down now,” he instructed. “Open your hole for me.”

  She followed his order, feeling utterly like a submissive, available to please her Dom.

  “Yes,” he said.

  He forced the nasty thing deep inside her. Despite her resolution and his order, she fought. The plug was more than a little uncomfortable. It freaking hurt!

  “Stop fighting,” he said softly. He soothed her hair.

  “Take it out.”

  Master Devon released his grip on her behind, and that seemed to make the fit even snugger. With her muscles, she tried to force it out.

  “I said stop,” Master Gabriel commanded.

  One of the men slapped her ass, hard.

  She gasped.

  The smacks continued until the pain obliterated her need to struggle. Not knowing which of the two men was punishing her overwhelmed her, and unaccountably she began to relax.

  As she did, the plug snuggled in and no longer hurt. In fact, she enjoyed the feeling of being stuffed full for him.

  The brutal spanking stopped.

  “Are you back under control?” Master Gabriel asked against her ear.

  She nodded. And she was. His actions had calmed her.

  Master Devon, as startlingly handsome as ever, walked in front of her. He had cropped, brownish-blond hair and green eyes that darkened and lightened depending on his mood, and his state of arousal.

  He was so different from Master Gabriel, but every bit as appealing.

  Master Devon tucked her hair back from her cheekbones. His touch was gentle and reassuring. Last night on the ship’s deck, he’d been a source of emotional strength. All of that made it difficult to reconcile him with the man who’d spread her buttocks while another man had plugged her ass.

  He cupped her breasts and squeezed them hard. The sensation was too, too much.

  “You have never been so lovely, Victoria,” he said. “I’ve been looking forward to playing with you for a year. And that you’re submitting to me and Master Gabriel is a huge turn-on.”

  Since she’d seen him last, he’d been the stuff of fantasies. She’d mentally replayed scenes as she’d masturbated, and she’d added new twists, hoping they could try them. Even in her wildest imaginings, she’d never come up with anything this spectacular.

  Master Devon’s cock pressed against his trousers. She’d had that thickness inside her before, in her mouth, her pussy. She wanted it—him—again. Soon.

  And he wanted her. She knew that from years of experience, not just because of his erection. When the green of his eyes became this dark, he desired her as much as she wanted him. The scene would still be regimented, but it would be shortened so they could have sex. They became male and female, more than Dom and sub.

  If she weren’t tied up, she’d fall to her knees, unzip his expensive trousers, take out his penis—she knew he’d be wearing plain-coloured boxers—and swirl the tip of her tongue around the head of his cock. He’d have his hands masterfully in her hair, but, when she would press her finger firmly against his perineum, he would tip back his head and close his eyes.

  While he wasn’t watching, she’d masturbate herself to a quiet orgasm. Sneaking one in always felt naughty, and the idea that she might get caught gave her a secret thrill.

  “I’m going to clamp your nipples,” Master Devon said.

  As he spoke, he gently rolled each hardened, sensitised peak between a thumb and forefinger. She leant forward, wordlessly asking for more.

  Master Gabriel offered Master Devon a pair of clamps.

  Both men were similar, yet completely different. Master Devon tended to be gentler than his partner. Yet he was just as unyielding.

  He placed the clamps, and she gritted her teeth. Because the scene was different, she wasn’t aroused, and she felt the pain more keenly.

  “Breathe through it,” Master Gabriel coached.

  With the plug and clovers, and the way her legs were spread so far apart, she wasn’t sure she could.

  “You’ll be fine,” Master Devon told her.

  Shocking her, he tipped back her head.

  “Open your mouth.”

  Expecting a gag, and not happy about it, feeling like a sub and not someone who paid big money for the cruise, she parted her lips.

  Master Devon shocked her.

  He put one hand at her nape and kept the chain of her clamps curled in one fist. He claimed her mouth, alternating between teasing and tongue-fucking her. He held her tenderly, but imprisoned. And as he took more from her, he tugged on the chain.

  She was dazed, confused, hungry for more, desperate for it not to end. Her pussy moistened some more, and her body felt softened by the act that felt more emotional than physical, more caring than domineering.

  Too soon he ended the kiss. Her mouth felt slightly bruised, and any pain she’d been aware of was gone.

  “I should have done that years ago.”

  The earth felt unsteady beneath her feet in a way that had nothing to do with being on a ship.

  “Master Gabriel is going to beat you.”

  The way the scene was unfolding, she realised that the two men had planned this ahead of time.

  “It’s an erotic beating, not a punishment. Between the two of us, we’re going to make sure you have an unforgettable experience.”

  She already was.

  He released her and undressed, placing his clothes in
a neat pile.

  He turned back to face her. His cock was hard, and she noticed that he’d shaved his cock and his balls. Sensual hunger engulfed her.

  She remembered the way he tasted, the way his penis filled her mouth, the way he’d fucked her.

  Master Gabriel unfastened her wrists and rubbed circulation back into them. “I’m going to secure you to a ceiling hook.”

  Another new experience.

  Master Devon played with her, tugging her chain, squeezing her breasts, trailing his fingers across her cunt. “Raise your hands,” he coached her.

  “Give me some room to work here,” Master Gabriel said.

  Somehow he retied her hands above her head and secured her to the hook. He raised her up a little, stretching her body, but not in a way she couldn’t endure.

  “Your breasts look beautiful in this position,” her other Dom said.

  “I meant to use this on you yesterday,” Master Gabriel told her, showing her the flogger.

  It had at least a dozen leather strands. Thankfully, they were thick. Its hits should feel more thuddy than stingy, if he wielded it correctly.

  “But spanking your delectable ass was too hard a temptation to resist. You need to be punished for distracting me.”

  His words made her even hornier, and Master Devon squeezed one of her breasts tightly.

  Master Gabriel moved behind her and arranged her hair over one shoulder. “I’ll warm you up then intensify the beating,” he informed her.

  The first hit felt like a caress on her buttocks.

  Like a lover trying to ignite nerve endings, he struck her thighs, behind her knees, then her back randomly, middle, lower, upper.

  He already knew how to read her. He kept backing off the pressure when she was close. Today there would be no sneaking in an orgasm.

  She was hardly aware when he increased the tempo. She felt surprisingly relaxed.

  “Keep looking at me,” Master Devon whispered.

  That was the most difficult order of all. She wanted to get lost inside her head, simply surrender to the sensations.

  He rubbed her clit harder.

  Master Gabriel hit her with more and more intensity, making her body jerk. But Master Devon was there, supporting her, soothing her with his touch, across her forehead, down her cheek, against her lip and all the while he finger-fucked her. The harsh beating and relentless penetration of the plug and his fingers contrasted with his approving words and gentle touch.

  She was unravelling from the inside.

  Suddenly the leather strands wrapped around her middle and bit into her skin. She was yanked from the blissful place she’d been floating in. She yelped and moved futilely to escape the horrible leather. Master Devon took hold of her chain and yanked on her nipple clamps.

  He brutally pushed a thumb against her clit, and she screamed out her orgasm.

  “Good girl,” Master Devon murmured.

  Her limbs felt weak, and the two men released her from her bondage. Master Devon picked her up in his arms, and Master Gabriel grabbed a blanket and put it around her.

  “What are you doing?” she asked, when she could make her mouth move.

  Master Devon carried her through the office, and Master Gabriel opened the door to the hallway.

  “We’re not nearly done with you yet,” he informed her.

  “We have planned a scene just for you,” Master Devon added.

  Chapter Five

  She was slightly scandalised, but he didn’t appear disturbed at all by his nakedness as he carried her a few doors down.

  Master Gabriel preceded them and entered a key card into a slot. As soon as the door released, he held it open for the two of them.

  In the years she’d known Master Devon, they’d never played anywhere but in the Domination room or the public areas of the ship. A couple of times they’d had a glass of wine at the bar, and once he’d sat with her while she had coffee on the deck.

  So this privacy was deliciously unexpected.

  As Master Devon placed her on the bed, the blanket slid from her body, leaving her exposed. He took a step back and folded his arms across his chest, regarding her.

  He looked magnificent.

  Despite her recent orgasm, she was ready to be taken again.

  The men studied her, both tall and broad, one blond, the other dark, one refined, one slightly dangerous.

  She didn’t know how to behave.

  “Stand,” Master Gabriel said.

  She needn’t have worried. They were natural Doms. They wouldn’t leave her without instruction for long.

  She slipped from the bed.

  “Turn around, slowly.”

  In stilettos, this would have felt sexy. In bare feet, it just seemed to make her feel exposed.


  She did, with her back to them.

  “No bruises,” he said.

  She waited.

  “Look at us.”

  She faced them again.

  “We’re going to fuck you, subbie,” he told her.

  She nodded, alternately nervous and excited.

  While she watched, he removed his clothes. As usual, he left them where they lay.

  His erection thrust in front of him, and she remembered yesterday, as she’d ridden him.

  “I want you to suck off Master Devon.”

  “Yes, Sir.” She wanted it, too.

  Master Devon got on top of the bed and told her, “Get up here with me. On all fours, ass in the air, and get my cock in your mouth.”

  Master Gabriel put on a condom then joined them. “Your ass looks so hot with that plug up there. You’ll be ready for a bigger one soon.”

  That he spoke in terms of a future took away some of the fear she’d felt from his words.

  “Master Devon told you to get his cock in your mouth.” He slapped her right buttock hard. “Must he repeat himself?”

  “No, Sir!” She curled a hand around Master Devon.

  “That’s not your mouth,” he told her.

  She was out of her element, and she never wanted to go back.

  Master Gabriel moved so that he was on his back, with his head beneath her pelvis. “Sit on my face, sub.”

  Oh. God.

  He dragged her into the position he wanted then began eating her pussy.

  He reached up and placed one hand on the small of her back to hold her steady. With his other hand, he captured the chain that dangled between her breasts. Master Devon put his hands on her head and held her while he thrust into her mouth.

  She was overwhelmed, trapped, helpless, and on the verge of coming.

  “Come,” Master Gabriel ordered, forcing her hips a little lower and increasing the pressure with his tongue as he licked and sucked her. “Fill my mouth with your pussy juices.”

  His coarse language thrilled her.

  He yanked hard on her nipple chain.

  She climaxed in a shuddering, heated rush.

  In less than twenty minutes, both men had made her come. She was exhausted, and she wanted more.

  They gave her no time to recover.

  Master Gabriel changed positions, getting behind her.

  Being beastly, he withdrew her plug and inserted it repeatedly, in tandem with his finger-fucks. “Your cunt is wet,” he said.

  Drenched was more like it.

  Master Devon’s cock thickened and pulsed. She knew he was close to shooting his load in her mouth.

  He trapped her head with his cock down her throat.

  “Good girl,” he told her.

  Master Gabriel pulled out his fingers and eased his thickness inside her.

  He held her hips steady as he thrust hard and quick. The feel of his cock in her cunt and the plug in her anus was overwhelming. Combining that with Master Devon’s cock in her mouth, she was stretched impossibly wide.

  Master Devon released his grip on her head, apparently once again in control.

  She worked her mouth up and down his cock as M
aster Gabriel rode her.

  He forced another orgasm from her. She was generally pleased to come hard once when she had sex, but these men were relentless in their demands. He remained still for a few seconds, and she wondered what he’d do. Then he began to thrust again, but harder, faster, his strokes deeper and deeper, no longer holding back.

  She felt him thicken inside her.

  Lost, she stopped sucking on Master Devon, gripping his cock with one hand, her other hand curled deep into the covers as she desperately hung on.

  Master Gabriel swore viciously. He pulled her hips back, fully impaling her.

  He held her masterfully and intensity was enough to drive another orgasm from her. She came just seconds before he did.

  He placed one arm under her stomach, relentlessly holding her in place. He held one shoulder firmly.

  “Do me,” she told him.

  With a few more powerful thrusts, he grunted—a very masculine sound—then he ejaculated.

  “Damn,” he said. “Victoria, you’re sensational.”

  He stroked her spine, and he brushed her hair aside to kiss her nape.

  She resumed sucking Master Devon, not that he gave her much choice with the amount of pressure he exerted on her nape. Clearly he had no intention of being left out.

  “Time for something a little different,” Master Gabriel said.

  She knew she was on the verge of making Master Devon come, but he was the one who captured her face and stopped her movements.

  Master Gabriel took charge. After discarding the condom, he put a couple of pillows on the edge of the bed. “Back on the pillows, sub. Raise your legs.”

  “I’m not sure what you mean, Sir.”

  “I want you on the edge of the bed. Your rear will be off the mattress, you’ll need Master Devon to support you.” Hardly able to think straight, unable to figure out what he meant, she did as instructed.

  Master Devon left the bed long enough to roll on a condom. Knowing that he was now going to take a turn inside her renewed her excitement. She didn’t want this time together to end. A year was too long to wait for another joining like this. And Master Gabriel would likely never be on the cruise again.

  As thrilling as this was, it was also heart-breaking. How was she supposed to go back to her regular life?