Shockwave (Impulse Book 1) Page 7
“I pissed you off.” Nathaniel took a guess at the reason.
“You think?”
It was the right guess, evidently.
“I’ve told you what I’m upset about.” She twirled a spoon in her cup. “Put it together, Nathaniel. Show me you’re listening to me.” She shook her head. “No. Show me you’re hearing me.”
Giving himself some time to think, he took a second drink of his coffee. Yeah. He understood. He’d been smart enough to explain it to Braxton, even. But Nathaniel hadn’t been smart enough to realize the implications himself. “I sent you away after the scene.”
Her head came up and she lanced him with her direct gaze.
“You see that as a rejection.” Her anger had nothing to do with the beating, or the orgasm, or the intensity of what they shared. “And because we didn’t have sex after the scene, you believe I didn’t want you, or was punishing you.” And he hadn’t called, hadn’t checked up on her. Which he wouldn’t do with an employee, but which he sure as fuck would have done if she was his lover or his submissive. “You have a right to be angry.”
“Damn right I do.” She scooted farther back in her chair.
“I apologize.”
“For what?”
“Look”—he pushed aside his drink—“spanking you was out of line.”
“No. It wasn’t.” She continued to regard him. “It was hot.”
“Yeah. It was. But…”
“I’m listening.”
“I regret doing it at the club. I wanted to send you to subspace, but I didn’t because I didn’t have the time for proper aftercare.”
She rolled her eyes.
“That will get you punished.”
Her smile lit up her whole face. “It might if you were my Dom.”
“Jesus.” Confounding, annoying, tempting… How could a five-foot-nothing woman tie him in fucking knots?
“I don’t need aftercare.”
“And I won’t be irresponsible enough to end a scene without making damn sure you’re back and fine, emotionally and physically.”
“The hell you don’t.” He raised a hand. “Look what happened when I didn’t make love to you last night. And don’t you dare replace the words making love with fucking or having sex.”
“You don’t strike me as the romantic kind.”
“And you know me so well?” Right now, he wondered how well he knew himself. When her shoulders relaxed a little, he continued, “I compounded my mistake by sending you away. Not just from me, but from the club. But I can’t apologize for not screwing you in the office. It wasn’t the right time or place. Since we hadn’t discussed it, I would have been taking advantage of you.”
“I don’t see it that way.”
“Sorry, Alani. It had nothing to do with not wanting you. You know that.”
She exhaled.
“Tell the truth.”
“Your dick was hard.” She picked up her cup and blew into the foam. “Sir.”
He released the death grip he had on his cup. “I wanted you. Want you. But not when others are around, when either of us have obligations, when I don’t have the time to give you every single thing I want to.”
“Assuming all that is true… Where does that leave us?”
“I’ve only had one long-term relationship. I travel too much, and my schedule is…demanding.”
“Is there a reason we’re having this discussion? You hit me with a belt a few times. That hardly justifies your need to tell me about your past or freaking out about your future.” She straightened in her seat and leaned back again, establishing some physical distance between them. Her body language spoke volumes. “We can have a hookup or a scene—even with your required aftercare—without pillow talk.”
Nathaniel fought back a sudden surge of temper. He couldn’t wait to have her naked, rounded derrière across his lap. “I’m not freaking out about anything. What I’m saying is I want more from you. My cock has been hard since I had you over the desk last night. I want to fuck you. I intend to fuck you. I don’t want any confusion between our work life and our personal lives.”
“I’m not confused.”
He took a deep breath and leaned forward. His cock surged against his pants. “I want to see you outside the club. Is there anything that will stand in the way of you giving yourself to me?”
A breeze stirred her hair, and she brushed a few strands back from her face. “I have no other relationships or Doms, casual or otherwise. But any man, including a Dom, must earn my respect before I agree to anything.”
He nodded at her challenge. She wasn’t the typical sub, which was probably why she appealed to him.
“So to clear this up from my point of view, I want to scene with someone who will give me what I want. Subspace and a good fuck after the beating.”
He all but ground the enamel off his back teeth. “Good.” His tone was more clipped than he’d intended. “Then we’re clear. When we’re at work, we’ll keep things professional. I’ll only be here a week while Master Braxton is gone.”
“If I come back.”
“If,” he agreed. “But outside of the club, I will bend you to my will, punish your indiscretions, beat you into erotic submission, send you to subspace and fuck you ragged. Blunt enough?”
Chapter Four
Alani’s pulse stormed.
Yes. It was blunt enough.
Last night and most of today had been torture. She’d chastised herself for allowing boredom with the scene to impact her job. She’d been alternately pissed and thrilled with Master Nathaniel’s high-handed treatment. Being sent home, without sex, had devastated her.
No man, either at the club or away from it, had affected her the way he did. He seemed to know her deepest fears and motivations. He knew what she wanted in terms of punishment. His beating had been magnificent—it had hurt, and she still bore one small welt behind her left knee—but it hadn’t been over the top. He hadn’t hurt her the way the other Dom had.
He’d found a rhythm that might have sent her into subspace, and she’d been close to achieving it. If she was right, he knew that. Master Nathaniel seemed to know her as well as she knew herself, maybe even better.
Alani had tossed and turned all night. She’d dreamed about him, fantasized about him.
She wanted to scene with him again, feel the full impact of his lash. Damn it all, she wanted this implacable Dom to force her capitulation.
He sat there in silence. His broad hands—capable of giving her mindless pleasure—were folded on top of the table. When she’d scooted back earlier, he’d leaned forward, taking away the little space she’d created between them.
The force of his personality and restraint combined with his power and intelligence were overwhelming.
She met his gaze. He regarded her intently, as if her answer mattered to him. His green eyes were deep, searing her. He watched her every reaction. She couldn’t hide, even if she wanted to.
“You’re wise to think about it a bit. I, too, will have rules. I won’t allow you to top me, Alani. If you try, I will prevent you from going to subspace.”
“Part of a negotiation. We each have limits. The other honors them.”
He was as implacable with his words as he was with his behavior, and he made her want to be good, to behave. He was Dom through and through, and she couldn’t help but respond to him.
“There are other ways I can deal with you.”
“Toys, Alani. Orgasm denial. How well do you suck cock?”
His abrupt change of subject caught her off guard. “That depends. How big is your dick, Sir?”
He inclined his head as if to say ‘touché’.
She toyed with her hair. As he’d obviously planned, she wanted him. One question remained. Was she up for the challenge he presented?
“What do you say, Alani?”
She had no doubt he could give her
what she craved. And she was willing to do anything she could to get it. “Yes. I agree to your terms.”
“As I said earlier, I don’t play games. I won’t allow you to, either.”
Her heart stopped. Cold. She looked at him and swallowed deeply. The tiny scar on his chin seemed more pronounced.
“If we are to have any type of relationship, you will answer every question honestly and directly.”
“You haven’t made this sound very appealing.”
“I will give you the lash you crave.”
Her pussy moistened. With faked bravado, she picked up her spoon and stirred her cooling cappuccino as she looked at him and said, “Bring it on, Sir.”
He cocked his head to one side. The motion was arrogant, assertive, threatening. “Your comment will earn you a punishment.”
She dropped the spoon and it clattered against the side of the cup. Alani wondered if he could smell her sudden arousal.
“So now, let’s discuss Limits.”
After she nodded, he picked up his cup. “Master Braxton and Karyn were scheduled to do a demonstration tonight.”
She’d forgotten.
“Master AJ is supposed to fill in. And Braxton suggested you might want to take Karyn’s place.”
Color drained from her face. Before yesterday, before this discussion even, she would have agreed straight away.
“Sorry. I can’t allow that.”
She frowned. “Because I’m being retrained?”
“Because I don’t want him beating you. If you’re agreeable to participating in the demonstration, it will be with me.”
Her thoughts somersaulted. A public demo, with Nathaniel in full Dom mode? This was the kind of excitement she’d been craving. Her insides were shouting, “Yes!” But she schooled her features not to overreact. “I was under the impression that you don’t do public displays.”
“I generally don’t. You don’t have to participate. I’m sure Willow or one of the subs would volunteer.”
The idea of enforced isolation was unbearable. She wanted to be near him, and with her coworkers. “I’m ready to come back.” Damn. Embarrassment gnawed at her. “I learned my lesson.”
“Good. That was the answer I was hoping for.” His tone was soft, every bit as compelling as his implacable words.
In that instant she realized there was nothing she wanted more than to please him.
“Then, after work, I’ll drive you to my place.”
Part of her wanted to suggest they meet at her place, where she would feel more in control. But she also wanted to be able to escape when she was ready. “I’d rather follow you in my car.”
As if he’d read her mind, he narrowed his eyes. “We can discuss it later.”
“As long as you’re not placating me, planning to ignore my request.”
A smile sauntered across his mouth. “You’d allow me to ignore you?”
She never suspected this man had a lighter, fun side. If she wasn’t careful, she might see him as something other than a big, badass Dom. “I need to go and get ready for my shift.”
“I haven’t forgotten your sassy comment earlier. Let me know when you arrive at the club.”
“More corporal punishment, Sir?”
“Perhaps if you ask nicely, sub.”
* * * *
All afternoon, Alani’s heart had been surging then seeming to stall.
She took a steadying breath before pulling open the heavy, dark wooden door with no name on it. Limits was unobtrusive, indistinguishable from the dozens of converted warehouses that had made LoDo a trendy, expensive area.
Her knees weakened when she saw Master Nathaniel standing next to Willow at the check-in podium.
Tonight, he was more compelling than ever.
He wore a snow-white shirt with the top button open. The material was tailored to fit his trim waist. For all she knew, he could have been poured into his black leather pants. The overhead light refracted off his polished boots.
Because his hair was close-cropped, his eyes seemed even colder than normal, his mouth harsher and the scar more threatening.
Her mouth watered. The idea that he would be beating her during a demo then sending her to subspace tonight made her knees wobble.
Willow gave a sunny smile, and Nathaniel pushed away from the computer screen.
“Alani.” He nodded. “Please come with me. Willow, if you’ll excuse us?”
As Alani followed him toward the suite of private offices, she glanced over her shoulder to see Willow give her a smile and thumbs-up. At least he’d ensured there would be no awkwardness resulting from her being sent home last night.
He opened the door to Master Braxton’s office. Once they were inside, he closed and locked the door.
The chairs were where she’d left them yesterday. He walked to the desk then propped himself against the long edge. “I’m glad you’re here.”
Had he doubted her?
“I want to see what you’re wearing.”
She unknotted the belt and parted the lapels before shrugging out of the coat to reveal the black PVC swing skirt that flowed over her hips and ended mid-thigh. A cropped top left her midriff bare but completely covered her breasts. With him in mind, she’d donned fishnet stockings. She’d added only a G-string, leaving her ass bare, just in case.
“Excellent choice.” His voice had a rugged husk that arced a shiver up her spine. “Turn around.”
She draped the coat over the chair then turned her back to him.
“Lift your skirt to your waist.”
Her hands shook. His rich voice held no compromise. With him, she never had to fake anything, never had to go deep into her head and pretend to be elsewhere. Only the moment existed.
“No real trace of my belt, Alani.”
“Of course not.” She’d had a mark earlier, but it had faded hours ago.
“Goading me?”
“Me, Sir?”
“Outrageous suggestion, isn’t it?”
She grinned, and a moment of intimacy pulsed between them.
“The scene tonight is an advanced one, not for beginners. I am going to insert a plug up your ass, and I may push you past your comfort level. Certainly you won’t have experienced anything like this at the club.”
“Yes, Sir,” she whispered, thrilled. That was what she wanted to shake her boredom, new experiences, new highs.
“How did you like my belt last night?”
“Very well, Sir.”
“We’ll use a flogger tonight.”
She wrinkled her nose in disappointment. Then, grateful she was facing away from him and that he hadn’t seen her expression, she nodded. “As you wish, Sir.”
“Your tone means you prefer something else. Remember, I demand honesty.”
“Yes, Sir.” She glanced over her shoulder. “I would prefer we use something else.”
“In my experience, Sir, a flogger is a fairly gentle implement.”
“Ah. You’re afraid I’m not going to hurt you enough. Not to worry. I watched Master Richard work you over. I saw which hits you responded to. Rest assured, I’ll make you feel it far more than he did.”
Her clit pulsed.
“Make no mistake, you’ll feel the leather on your hot body. And I will hurt you.”
That comment made her wetter.
“Meet me in the classroom no later than ten minutes until eight.”
She shivered a bit.
“You may face me.”
Alani let go of her skirt. The PVC material floated into place as she turned back to face him.
“Did I give you permission to drop your skirt?”
“Sorry, Sir.” She lifted it back up, exposing her pussy.
“That was remiss.”
She closed her eyes for a moment.
“And I haven’t forgotten your comment at the coffee shop.” With great deliberation, he stood, walked to a chair then sat in it. “Across my lap.”
/> Thrilled, scared, she met his gaze.
His green eyes were frosty, unrelenting. His firm jaw was set in a don’t-fuck-with-me line.
She walked toward him and lowered herself, wishing she were more graceful and struggling to keep the skirt held high.
“Remember your manners.”
Before she had her fingertips on the floor, he struck her hard across both cheeks.
Alani gasped. She’d expected a warm-up, not this searing pain.
Before she recovered, he spanked her again.
“I didn’t hear a ‘thank you’, so we’ll start over.”
He landed a third blow. Hard. Her ass burned. Oh, God. She needed this. Him. She reached for a chair leg, anything to keep her balance.
“Thank you, Sir!”
He smacked her again.
“That was three. Thank you, Sir!”
“One,” he corrected. “You are expected to count and express your gratitude.”
She gritted her teeth, more against the unspeakable pleasure than any pain. “One. Thank you, Sir.”
He placed the next hit directly on top of the previous one. It was all she could do not to wriggle away. “Two! Thank you, Sir.”
The third and fourth left her struggling to breathe. His thighs were firm beneath her torso, and the material of his slacks chafed her bare midriff.
His fifth slap stung more than any other. She squeezed her eyes against the sudden burn of tears. “Five. Thank you, Sir.”
“Good. Perfect. A nice taste.”
“What? We’re done?” She blinked.
“For now.” He wrapped his arm around her waist and helped her to her feet. “Move over there.” He pointed to an area a few feet away, beneath a lamp. “Bend and show me your ass.”
She was reeling.
He hadn’t stayed with the punishment long enough for her to enjoy it. He hadn’t exploited the emotional components and he’d caught her unprepared. Were there no limits to his dastardly behavior?
He folded his arms across his chest.
Damn it. How could she adore his punishment so much?
Slowly she turned around. After lifting her skirt, she bent.
“Just a little red. When I beat you during the demonstration, I’ll make sure you have a few more marks.”